
Someone broke my car window today. There’s an auto glass repair shop a mile up the street from my house. I thought about driving over there to get my window repaired but then I realized that driving my expensive car down the street with a smashed window might result in me getting harassed or even shot by the police. Instead, a mobile repairman is coming to replace my window tomorrow. The thought that it might not be safe for me to drive my own car to get my window repaired for fear of being murdered by the very people who are supposed to prevent my window from being broken in the first place is significantly more disturbing than the broken window itself.

Fuck. Everything. About. This.

Fuck our broken, racist, law enforcement system. The person who broke my window probably can’t get a real job because he was arrested years ago for drug possession and his criminal record has forever relegated him to a life of petty crime to make ends meet.

Fuck the fact that police make me more nervous than criminals do. I’m a good person. They’re supposed to be on my side. They’re supposed to make me feel safe.

Fuck our exploitative economic system and inadequate social safety nets that create a class of people so desperate that they would smash my window in the hopes of finding something of value to take.

Fuck the asshole who decided that it was acceptable to break my window.

Fuck me for spending money on an expensive car instead of using that money to help people.

And while we’re at it, fuck all of the powerful people who actively make decisions that make the world a worse place. Fuck the corporate executives and politicians that insist on flinging us head first into a climate apocalypse. Fuck the members of the finance industry who extract more value than they provide. Fuck the people who run profitable companies but don’t pay their employees a living wage. Fuck the people who are too stupid to vote for politicians who are worth a damn and fuck the education system that failed them so spectacularly. Fuck prosecutors who fuck sex workers and then send other people to jail for fucking sex workers. Fuck judges who use drugs and fail to see the hypocrisy of destroying other people’s lives for doing the same thing. Fuck people who are so selfish and ignorant that they obstinately refuse to wear a fucking mask, even if it could save people’s lives.

Thank you for letting me vent for a moment. I’m usually good at not letting stuff bother me but the realization that I was too scared to drive my car down the street to get my window fixed because of the way police might treat me, pushed me over the edge for a second. I feel much better now that I’ve gotten all of that off my chest.


An Overdose of Hasheesh


Intelligent Agents