What Your Car Says About You

What your car’s nationality says about you:

Japanese: I’m a very sensible person who makes very sensible choices.

American (excluding Tesla): I prefer form over function. I want something that looks more expensive than it is and may or may not break when I touch it.

German: I appreciate good engineering and luxury and don’t mind paying a little too much for it.

Italian: I’m too sexy for my car... too sexy for my car. When it breaks down, at least I’ll look good sitting in it waiting for the tow-truck.

Swedish: Safety first.

British: Well aren’t I posh... and I like nothing more than spending a weekend in a rental while my car’s in the shop.

French: I’m French.

Korean: Don’t forget about me... I’m sensible now too.

Russian: In Soviet Russia, car drives you!

Tesla: My car is better than yours.


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